Saturday, October 07, 2006

Yokohama ES-100 - el JUNKO!!!

I just completed the second event on the Yokohama AVS ES-100 tires. Without qualification I can honestly say with clarity of soul and purpose. THEY SUCK! Termine la materia fecal. Nicht gut!

For a street tire that seems low to perhaps moderate use. They are probably fine. But when used in a sprited fashion they show serious limitations. When used competitivly.. they are completely inadeqate and bordering on dangerous.

Following 2 70 second runs on the course, the rear tire sidewalls were rolling over. My instructor had me increase tire pressure twice, finally ending at 47 PSI, to keep the shoulders of the tires from chunking. The rear tires were getting incredibly hot. Trying to power out of a turn became impossible due to constant wheel spin. It was not really enjoyable.

In conclusion: I'll have some used ES-100's for sale to anyone with a Porsche garage queen. Any other purpose would not be suitable for these tires.


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