I didn't find them, nor was I the first to try them out. Instead of reaping the benefits of those that bravely went before me. In the world of Porsche parts, quality is king and some manufactures take that to mean, they can charge 3x the normal price for a basic part under the banner of a certain level of 'quality'. What I've found is that it's not often the case.
In this case, a factory big-oval tip is several hundred dollars. A similar artermarket part from a renown PCar parts manufacture is around $500. These little babies... Fifty-bucks! Of course I was concerned about fit and finish but others had raved about the deal so I toss my 1/2 C-note to the wind.
I was not dissapointed. Here are some pics of the parts as I unpacked, compared and installed them.
New parts unpacked.
The polished finish, quality flare on the flange and black painted interior were more than I had anticipated. They feel like quality parts.
Big megaphone construction.
Here my little helper shows the interior of the product. What surprised me most is how much better this part was than the factory Porsche part in both constrution and finish. Inexpensive does not neccessarily mean cheap!
Comparing the parts
Factory part on the left, new part on the right. The difference in size and finish is obvious. Interior of the stock part acctually looked like would induce some turbulance and back pressure. The aftermarket part is smooth on it's interior. So far, so good.
Part installed.
It did not take much effort to get the new part installed, aligned and tightened up. Looks like a quality factory part to me. Except.. in the next picture you can see there is quite a difference.
Comparing stock (left) for new (right).
It's quite easy to spot the new part on the right. I think it looks a lot better, fills up the valace opening, and.. it's so shiny!
Final results. Looks good. Inexpensive. Easy to install. My gear-head neighbor
Bill, said it even sounded different when I headed off to work on Monday. If you are interested in this part I can get you in touch with the FleaBay seller that sold them to us on Rennlist. Fast delivery and big bang for the buck!!
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