In general, I'm a pretty tough sell, unless it's something I want, and even then I'm more than willing to fold up the wallet and walk. The Porsche was an incredible test of my resolve. Saldy, I caved before the salesman could even say boo. After the first two gears I was HOOKED. The car totally sold itself. The salesman just had to fill out the official documents.
Since that day it's been a blaze of tire smoking glory. Well, more fun that glory since I placed LAST in Sports-A at my first event in the car. I beat A LOT of other cars overall but I still came in last by over 1 second in my division. I'd like to blame it on equipment (and to a large degree it is due to some things I want to update) but for the most part.. I just need to learn to drive *this* car!
In the next couple of days I'll have back-posted the race results and thoughts on the experience.
Also in the works is a post on the first update to the car (a new iPod enabled radio) , second update to the car (some new tires since snow-tires are NOT what I had in mind for performance rubber), and subsequent mods made and plan to make (there is a pile of parts on the floor right now and more on the way... here is a just a peak at what's next for the car:

So.. sit back.. relax and I hope you find this new blog of interest. Also, check back in a couple of days to see my re-dated (aka time-maching) posts of those first days of ownership, modifications and first race.
Cheers, and happy motoring!!
- David
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